Info and Details
Our Swim-2-Float Program and Lesson Details are as follows:
Lessons are one-on-one, Monday-thru-Thursday, and with each student. The length of lesson each day is determined by the child and is a performance based exit. Lessons for that day are concluded when your child shows fatigue. These lessons usually last 10-12 minutes. It typically takes 6-8 weeks (24-32 lessons) for your child to complete the series of lessons with no absences, rain days, vacations, etc.
Program Info – Independent Float for Very Young Children

Babies 8 to 20 months old are very active and surprisingly quick! The Rollback-to-Float program introduces the correct floating posture for survival. It also teaches the skills necessary to maneuver into a float. Babies learn quickly from their physical environment. This is how they learn to crawl and walk.
But, water is an unforgiving environment. The student will practice fully clothed with diaper and shoes. The lessons will last about 10 minutes, four days, Monday-thru-Thursday.
Babies can begin lessons as early as 8 months old. If your child is not walking yet, he/she will learn the Rollback-to-Float technique. Infants in this age group are taught the survival skills of rotating from a face-down to a face-up position. Then, independently maintain a floating posture to rest and breathe until help arrives. When fully skilled, children have the ability to remain in this posture for an extended period of time. They won’t become exhausted because they are floating naturally.
Instructors give lessons one-on-one, 4 days per week (Monday-thru-Thursday). Each lesson is approximately 8-10 minutes in length. All lessons have a performance based exit, not a time based exit. The days lesson is stopped when the instructor observes the beginning stages of physical fatigue. Students generally master the rollback-to-float skill in approximately 4 to 5 weeks. Students are required to attend all lessons at their same scheduled time. Each child is different so the lessons are tailored to your child’s progress and abilities. Parents, guardians, or caretakers can observe lessons from the pool deck.
SWIM-FLOAT-SWIM – Ages 20 months to 8 years
The Swim-Float-Swim program encompasses the skills necessary for a child to reach the steps/edge of the pool or shore. This includes both swimming and floating. This process begins with teaching the child breath-control. Next, the child is taught the skills to turn around in the water to grab the edge of a pool.
As the child becomes capable of longer swims, the Rollback-to-Float technique is taught so the child can rest and breathe, and then continue swimming. Until the child reaches safety, this sequence will be repeated.

These skills will be practiced for complete mastery even while fully clothed with shoes and/or diaper for those not toilet trained. All lessons are taught one-on-one for a period of 10 to 12 minutes daily, Monday-thru-Thursday. Once your child has been walking for a minimum of 6 weeks, he/she will learn the Swim-Float-Swim sequence. They’ll learn to propel themselves through the water, independently, in a head-down position for approximately 3 to 5 seconds. They’ll roll on their beck when they feel the need to breathe. In this floating position, they’ll float independently for 3 to 5 seconds.. When they are ready, they’ll flip over and swim for another 3 to 5 seconds. They can continue this sequence several times until they are able to reach safety.
Our instructors will teach the basic skills. With some reinforcement at home, your child will have all the needed confidence to save themselves from an aquatic accident. It is a motor skill that will improve with consistent repetition and practice.
You may notice that your child will learn some skills quickly. But, they’ll be hesitant to learn other new skills. This is perfectly normal for children. The initial primary focus of lessons is the rotation from face-down to face-up. This will provide even the youngest “swimmers” a lifesaving skill while they are becoming developmentally ready for other swimming behaviors.
Time To Obtain These Skills?
The average child takes approximately 28 to 32 lessons to successfully absorb the Swim-2-Float program and lesson details. This is roughly 7 to 8 weeks of uninterrupted instruction (Monday-Thursday with no absences or rain days). Lessons are tailored to each child because every child is different. Therefore, an exact timeline is difficult to predict. Each child progresses differently due to the different stages of development, personality, and coordination. We take a gentle and loving approach while expecting them to complete reasonable tasks that help them build upon and improve their skills daily.